Navigating the Cybersecurity Landscape with Confidence

In the cyber realm, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face a multitude of challenges. To guide them through these challenges, the National Defense Information Sharing & Analysis Center (ND-ISAC) introduces the release “C3PAO Shopping Guide for Small & Medium-Sized Businesses.” Crafted collaboratively by ND-ISAC’s Small & Medium-Sized Business Working Group, alongside SMB peers in the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) and insights from Third-Party Assessment Organizations (C3PAOs) linked to the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Cyber Maturity Model Certification (CMMC), this guide provides indispensable support for SMBs looking to bolster their cybersecurity resilience.

Tailored Strategies for Enhanced Cyber Resilience

By leveraging ND-ISAC’s guide, SMBs can confidently maneuver through the challenges of CMMC standards and assessments. Download the Shopping Guide here for tailored insights and strategies catering to the specific needs of smaller enterprises. Additionally, access the user-friendly scoring tool here to streamline compliance efforts and fortify cybersecurity resilience.

Principal contributors from ND-ISAC include Allison Giddens, Terry Hebert, and Andy Sauer. The organization also appreciates the valuable insights from Amira Armond and Ozzie Saaed.

To the guide, Allison Giddens pointed out, “SMBs are bombarded with information about CMMC and upcoming assessments. Our guide stands out as it is compiled by fellow SMB leaders who have distilled their knowledge to help others succeed.” Terry Hebert suggested that SMBs in the Defense Industrial Base should consider joining ND-ISAC, where they can benefit from a supportive community and abundant resources for their cybersecurity endeavors.

Steve Shirley, ND-ISAC’s Executive Director, stressed the importance of SMBs in the Defense Industrial Base and the need for collaboration to tackle cybersecurity challenges. He highlighted the significance of small businesses within the DIB, emphasizing the shared success between SMBs and the larger defense ecosystem.

Elevating Cybersecurity Defenses

Exploring advanced cybersecurity solutions like Jun Cyber opens doors to threat intelligence, incident response, and vulnerability management services. Collaborate with Jun Cyber to fortify defenses, mitigate risks, and proactively protect digital assets amidst an evolving threat landscape.

Forging Resilience through Strategic Alliances

Strategic partnerships with cybersecurity experts like Jun Cyber empower SMBs to tackle the digital terrain with agility and resilience. Embrace the guidance from ND-ISAC and leverage the advanced cybersecurity solutions offered by Jun Cyber to pave the way for a secure and successful cyber future.


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